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The top 10 most ‘picture-perfect’ capital cities in Europe – full list



The top 10 most ‘picture-perfect’ capital cities in Europe – full list

New research has revealed the 10 most Instagrammable capitals in the world, and you won’t believe where the top one is.

The research by Heepsy analysed data regarding 43 European capitals to find the 10 most picture-perfect ones based on their popularity on Instagram.

To determine the popularity of the cities, the main factors considered were the number of hashtags and the average annual number of visitors. The study also concluded that the amount of sunlight in the cities contributes to its popularity when getting the perfect picture.

In the top spot is London – yes, right at home here in the UK. London is known for its international appeal and has no shortfall of Instagrammable spots, so it makes perfect sense for this city to have claimed the first place.

The city has the highest number of Instagram hashtags at 167 million and attracts 30 million annual visitors on average, the research shows.

In second place is Paris, with 145 million hashtags. The French capital leads in annual visitors, attracting an average of 50 million people every year. The city of love also has endless Instragmmable spots, one of which being the famous Eiffel Tower.

In third place is Moscow, Russia. With 56 million hashtags and 24 million visitors each year, Moscow has lots of exciting photo opportunities for tourists. The city remains an overall popular choice for travellers, the research suggests, despite the escalating geopolitical tensions between Russia and NATO.

Berlin in Germany takes the fourth spot with 54 million hashtags and 12 million visitors annually. Visitors are fascinated by the grungy feel of the city and its unique urban style. With the Brandenburg Gate being a top hotspot for pictures, the city has a huge appeal for tourists. The city maintains a bright and lively atmosphere, making it a top choice for travel enthusiasts.

In fifth place is Madrid in Spain. The city gained 51 million hashtags – but its annual visitor count is much lower than those of the leading countries at just 5.8 million visitors. The Royal Palace was the top photographed and instagrammed spot in the city.

Amsterdam in the Netherlands takes sixth place with 37 million hashtags and 8.8 million visitors annually – its canals and beautiful cityscape are deserving of a place in the top 10.

Next are Bern in Switzerland, Rome in Italy, Prague in the Czech Republic and finally Vienna in Austria.

A spokesperson from Heepsy commented on the study: “When exploring the most Instagrammable spots, it’s important to think about not just the iconic landmarks but also the lesser-known corners that capture the true spirit of a city.”

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