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Biden ‘plans Rwanda-style scheme’ to deport migrants to Europe



Biden ‘plans Rwanda-style scheme’ to deport migrants to Europe

Joe Biden is reportedly planning to launch a scheme to deport illegal migrants to Greece or Italy in a similar vein to the UK’s Rwanda policy.

According to CBS News, which cited “two people familiar with the government’s plans”, the Biden initiative is designed to discourage people from travelling to the US-Mexico border.

The US president’s plan comes weeks after his rival Donald Trump was reported to be considering a similar plan, involving resettlement to Guatemala or Panama.

Britain last month passed a law that is set to see asylum seekers flown to live in Rwanda.

The Biden plan would involve Greece and Italy welcoming migrants processed at immigration offices that the Biden administration set up last year in four Latin American countries to screen migrants who hope to reach the US.

The centres, officially known as Safe Mobility Offices, allow certain migrants in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Guatemala to apply to come to the US or other countries legally.

Under the new arrangements, Greece and Italy would join Canada and Spain in resettling some of those processed at the offices. One of the sources said Italy and Greece would likely accept a relatively small number of migrants, roughly 500 or fewer each.

‘Diplomatic discussions with other countries’

A spokesman for the State Department said the Safe Mobility Offices have “enabled a six-fold increase in the number of refugees resettled from the Western Hemisphere”.

“Given the success of the program,” the spokesman added, “we are in diplomatic discussions with other countries about joining this initiative to expand lawful pathways for resettlement but have no additional information to share at this time.”

On May 20, US officials met with diplomats from Canada, Italy, Spain and the countries hosting the Safe Mobility Offices to discuss the initiative, according to internal Department of Homeland Security documents. In an interview with CBS News last week, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas appeared to refer to the reported agreement with Greece.

“We work with Canada, Spain, and just recently, Greece, to build lawful pathways for individuals to arrive in their countries, out of the hands of smugglers who just seek to exploit these individuals for profit,” said Mr Mayorkas.

Italy has not responded but Greece categorically denied the report.

“The CBS report is untrue. There is neither an agreement nor a request from the US to resettle legal immigrants in Greece. Greek immigration policy is clear and effective, despite international difficulties, said Dimitris Kairides, the Greek immigration and asylum minister, told SKAI 100.3 radio.

“We are in a pre-election period, it is not a politically neutral time, some may want to make an impression.”

Earlier this month, Trump’s team was reported as saying he hoped to have a full plan for illegal migration ready to launch on the first day of his presidency if he wins the US election in November.

The scheme could involve illegal migrants from El Salvador or Honduras being sent to Guatemala, the Wall Street Journal reported.

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