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Call for applications: candidate energy infrastructure Projects of Common and Mutual Interest



Call for applications: candidate energy infrastructure Projects of Common and Mutual Interest

The Commission has opened a call for applications for energy infrastructure projects under the Trans-European Network for Energy (TEN-E) Regulation to obtain Project of Common Interest (PCI) or Project of Mutual Interest (PMI) status.

The call for the electricity, hydrogen & electrolyser categories runs from 18 September to 18 November 2024, and for the smart electricity grids, smart gas grids, CO2 and the projects falling under the Article 24 derogation, from 18 September to 18 December 2024.

To be eligible for inclusion in the Union list of PCIs and PMIs, projects in electricity and hydrogen must be included in the 2024 Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDP) developed by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) or Gas (ENTSOG).

How to apply?

Promoters of projects interested in becoming PCIs or PMIs are invited to submit an application via the online platforms

Next steps after project submission

Eligible projects will be assessed against the criteria set out in the TEN-E Regulation to identify their contribution to the implementation of the respective energy infrastructure priority corridor.

Projects meeting all requirements of the regulation will be assessed and ranked by the TEN-E Regional Groups and may then be proposed for inclusion in the 2nd Union list of PCIs and PMIs. 

The delegated act containing the Union list will be adopted by the Commission by the end of 2025 and enter into force in early 2026 if no objection is expressed by the European Parliament or Council.

Below is an overview of the main steps of the 2nd PCI/PMI process.

PCI/PMI process – electricity

PCI/PMI process – hydrogen

PCI/PMI process – smart electricity/gas grids and CO2 categories

Contact details

For questions concerning the electricity and hydrogen application modules and TYNDPs

  • electricity projects: tyndpentsoe [dot] eu (tyndp[at]entsoe[dot]eu)
  • hydrogen and electrolyser projects: projectsatentsog [dot] eu (projects[at]entsog[dot]eu)

For questions concerning the submission process for smart electricity grids, smart gas grids, CO2 transport and storage and article 24 related projects: ENER-C4-PROJECTSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ENER-C4-PROJECTS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

For questions concerning the overall PCI/PMIs identification and selection process: ENER-C4-PROJECTSatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ENER-C4-PROJECTS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

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