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Several US Military Bases In Europe Raise Alert To ‘CHARLIE’ Over Potential Terror Threat: Report



Several US Military Bases In Europe Raise Alert To ‘CHARLIE’ Over Potential Terror Threat: Report

US Military Bases On CHARLIE Threat Level.

United States military bases across Europe increased their alert status over the weekend. The increased alert was a result of worries that facilities or persons would be the target of terrorist attacks. U.S. authorities provided CNN with this information on Sunday.

Force Protection Condition (FPCON) “Charlie” is the highest alert level that the U.S. Army garrison in Stuttgart, Germany, which houses the headquarters of U.S. European Command (EUCOM), set on Sunday. Until further notice, this enhanced alert level will be in place. Ensuring preparedness and quick reaction times in the event of possible threats in the area was the main goal.

According to a U.S. official speaking to CNN from a location in Europe, this degree of threat hasn’t been seen in at least ten years. This category, according to the official, usually denotes a “active-reliable threat.”

The FPCON system is used by the U.S. Army to evaluate and disseminate danger levels to military people and assets. The FPCON levels span from routine operations during peacetime to the highest alert level in reaction to particular threats. Normal, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta are the five FPCON levels; Delta is the highest alert level, Newsweek reported.

Bravo, signifying a heightened or more consistent risk of terrorist actions, has proliferated, a website reported. After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, it was extensively adopted as a preventive strategy to improve security and readiness across all Department of Defense (DOD) sites for several years. Conversely, FPCON Charlie initiates planning for staff reduction for non-essential individuals.

The precise reason behind the increased security protocol was yet unknown, but European officials had issued a warning about the possibility of terrorism on the continent, Newsweek has said. The reason for this was the widespread media coverage of events like the July Olympics in Paris and the ongoing European Football Championship held in Germany.

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