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Travel heavily impacted across flood hit central Europe



Travel heavily impacted across flood hit central Europe

The buildup of days of heavy rains from Storm Boris has caused travel chaos in several central and eastern European nations.

Worst affected are Poland, the Czech Republic, lower Austria and Romania.

Slovakia and southern Germany are also impacted.

At least eight people are confirmed dead.

Romania is among the worst hit with entire towns submerged, and extensive power cuts.

Public transport has been significantly disrupted, while thousands were evacuated.

Some of Vienna’s underground lines were shut down, and surrounding areas of the Austrian capital are now declared disaster zones.

Train services in several countries have been suspended while at least one bridge  collapsed under the weight of flood waters.

In Hungary, there are flood alerts along many sections of the Danube river, while at least one Danube river cruise ship has been unable to disembark passengers in Austria due to the high-water levels.

More than 100 passengers and 40 crew remain stuck for a second day on Swiss river cruise ship Thurgau Prestige.

The vessel was scheduled to sail from Linz to Budapest and back but is now stopping in Vienna. 

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