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Travelport to offer Air India NDC content



Travelport to offer Air India NDC content

Travelport will make Air India’s New Distribution Capability content available on Travelport+ for connected agencies this quarter, the technology company announced on Wednesday.

Travel management agencies using the Travelport+ booking system will soon be able to view and compare the airline’s NDC offers alongside traditional content, with no additional fees or surcharges linked to EDIFACT bookings. The move comes almost a year after the NDC distribution deal between the two companies was first announced.

Air India chief commercial and transformation officer, Nipun Aggarwal, said: “Travelport is one of our preferred technology providers. Together, we are looking to deliver a solution that makes it easy for agents to access, sell and service Air India’s content and offers.”

Travelport+ uses artificial intelligence and machine-learning to filter through aggregated multi-source content and deliver accurate search results, according to Travelport.

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